Friday, September 5, 2014

Houston to London

8:40 pm CST

Flight 186 boarded on time. Flight Aware stats report this is the norm for this particular flight.

Take off is being  delayed due to a "technical" issue that the  engineer had to review. This both calms and exacerbates my fear of flying over so much water! If a chunnel could be built between the US and Europe then it would certainly help me make it across the pond without experiencing such a massive amount of anxiety and a propensity for believing in my impending doom. Who do I have to see about making this a reality?

Although, on a positive and decidedly not death and destruction note - premium economy is totally worth it. My knees are not firmly planted in the back of the seat in front of me and there is actual leg room. And the flight crew all seem to possess very amiable and humorous personalities. I love the British.

9:08 pm CST
The captain informed us that the engineer found that the starter was malfunctioning and would need to be replaced. So our take off will be delayed by at least an hour. Personally, I am in favor of an airplane possessing working parts so delay away Mr. Engineer.  I can wait.

9:36 pm CST
Flight delay now expected to be another hour and a half. We will definitely miss our connection in London to Dublin. I'm hopeful it won't impact our overall timetable and impact the Irish History and Folklore dinner at the Brazen Head Pub.

10:44 pm CST

Still sitting and not flying. It is sort of anticlimactic after all the planning for the trip. We are about to be served a meal and have been given the option to get off the plane to stretch our legs in the terminal.

11:27 pm CST

The captain gave an ETA for take off in about 35 minutes.  I don't know what I'm looking forward to the most actually getting into the air or being able to maybe sleep.

To be continued ...

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