Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lisbon: Day One

I was a bit nervous about leaving Dublin. Dublin is easy. Dublin is an English everywhere kind of city. I knew that once I got off of my flight my comfort zone would be nowhere to be found. It was sink or swim.

Thankfully, my taxi driver knew a few words of English so I didn't feel like I was thrown completely off the deep end right away. That changed once I got to my apartment. My host, Flora, does not speak much English and two people that aren't fluent in a compatible language does not make for a very productive conversation. But we managed. She was able to get me online. She told me to email her if I have any problems. So far that is not the case and since I am very self sufficient I don't think I will be troubling her. 

The apartment itself is beautiful. There are real, wide-planked hardwood floors. It is very well decorated with modern furniture. And it has a great shower. The window in my bedroom opens to the street below and the sounds of the trucks and the cars and people whizzing by down there lets me know I am not in Kansas (Houston) anymore. It is very different here. Despite the activity of the city itself, its people are very laid back and quite warm and welcoming. They even have a lot of patience for an English-only American that only knows the word for thank you (obrigado). 

On my first day I didn't have anything planned except to wander around exploring and trying to keep myself from getting lost enough so that I was able to make my way back to my apartment at the end of the night. I was successful. Lisbon is very well laid out. There aren't confusing zig zags and streets that switch unexpectedly. I am finding everything reasonably quickly and easy using  a Google map I created that has recommendations for cafes and areas I want to visit. It has been pretty handy in finding my way around.

I took a walk down to the water front first. It was so inviting just a few blocks down the street from my apartment. The water is blue and beautiful. There is a clear view of the 25 de Abril Bridge - a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

I saw my first tram (which I found out on today's food tour were modeled after the trams in San Francisco). Lisbon and San Francisco could be sisters with the things they have in common.

I wandered into Rossio Square which is the center of town.

I grabbed a bite to eat - pork sandwich and a custard tart (pasteis de nata). You can find them on any street. They are usually bought in boxes of six.

I found the most important place for an American that needs to ensure their caffeine levels are maintained - Starbucks - lower right store front.

I saw a castle on a hill.

And went back to the ocean to watch the sunset.

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